Thursday, September 21, 2017

Storytelling In Art

In Asterios Polp the illustration adds more to the story and gives the reader a chance to visually see the story rather than imagine the environment and characters. The beginning of the comic starts off with the viewer seeing the layout and the environment of the main character, it gives us the setting of the overall tone of the story without even bringing in words. With the color it shows us the overall tone and mood of the story, the range of blues and purples in the beginning gives off a hopeless and despair feeling that already gives the viewer a look of what is coming throughout the story. The use of illustration shows more of an impact with storytelling because it expresses more than what words can convey. A lot can be said with just an image.

Storytelling is what I believe to be an important part of any work especially my own. Without a story you just have a pretty animation or a pretty image, but if you include one you have a masterpiece, you have a better quality of animation. Within my major of motion design, we have to be creative in the way we tell a story, because we don’t use the conventional use of characters. In animation and film they use people to tell a story and convey emotion, but motion designers use shapes and lines to create a story so we have to be very productive and have everything in order to story tell­. It’s really important to have a good story in order to have a great animation.

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